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Authenticity: A Biblical Theology of Discernment - Fr. Thomas Dubay


By Father Thomas Dubay, SM

Most people assume that the way to mend divisions and factions in our world - marriages, parishes, dioceses, religious orders - is to engage in civil discussions, attend local, regional or national meetings, draw up committee reports and recommendations. To a point this may help, but sad experience makes clear that these approaches alone never heal the polarization problems which plague our civil and ecclesial life.

In Authenticity, we learn how to discern whether we are being led by the Holy Spirit or by our own unredeemed inclinations and desires, whether it is the spirit of God or the prince of darkness that is operating in our disagreements and programs. We find in these themes clear responses to key questions:

  • Why are there divisions and factions in the Church and how are they to be healed?
  • What are the sure signs that some people have truth, while others are in error?
  • What are the conditions for finding and maintaining a shared vision in marriage, parishes, dioceses, religious orders, the universal Church?

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Paperback Book

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  1. Clarity in Discernment 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 6th Aug 2020

    After an extended period of time fumbling my way through discernment with many failed processes, I believe I have found the proper & accurate path, a True Biblical Path that has clarified what, where, how, when & who in my Faith Journey. I implore ALL souls discerning the religious life and/or daily life decisions to consult this book & apply it to all areas of your life. This is what has been missing for me & I believe for many souls. Thanks be to God for Fr.Dubay's insight to be shown to all.

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