Didache Series: Introduction to Catholicism (2nd Edition)
Introduction to Catholicism, 2nd Edition, contains the same Catholic teaching found in the popular original textbook, with expanded topics. Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, this text covers the basic tenets of the Faith and what it means to be Catholic; to include an additional 200+ pages, a new design layout, and additional pieces of full-color liturgical art.
Topics include: The Holy Catholic Church, the Blessed Trinity, the Paschal Mystery, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Sacraments and Prayer, Christian Morality and the Universal Call to Holiness, and a new chapter on Social Doctrine.
The Didache Series is ideal for high school and adult education, seminaries and colleges, RCIA, catechism classes, and home schooling. The Sister Servants highly recommend this series of textbooks as they set out clearly the teachings of the Catholic Church and are well put together with beautiful artwork.
Product Videos
Monsignor C. Eugene Morris, Pastor of St. Mary Magdalene Parish in St. Louis, MO, discusses Midwest Theological Forum's Didache Series of high school textbooks. For more information, please visit theologicalforum.org
Monsignor Morr...Monsignor C. Eugene Morris, Pastor of St. Mary Magdalene Paris...