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Pocket Stations of the Cross (Brass)


From the earliest days, the followers of Christ revered the holy sites where Our Lord experienced His Passion and Death. Eventually, the faithful developed fourteen principal reflections becoming one of the most popular Christian devotions throughout the world known as “Stations of the Cross”. Through generations, this devotion has assisted Christians in the love of God as well as the recognition, acceptance, and fulfillment of their own cross and Christian vocation.

Usually found only in Churches, this personal presentation of the Stations of the Cross now provides a new portable and tangible reminder that Our Lord has walked the most difficult road for us and daily invites us to participate in that redemption.

These Stations of the Cross were designed by a Navy chaplain, and they are made in the USA. They are ideal for weddings, baptisms, commemorating the loss of a loved one and those whose daily struggle does not enable them to attend Mass.

Note: These Stations of the Cross are 2" x 3 3/4" and weigh 3.5 ounces. 


Product Reviews

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  1. Timeless keepsake 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 7th Feb 2020

    The solid brass Stations of the Cross is the gift that keeps giving. The detail for each of the Stations is beautifully done. The weight is similar to an I-phone. Timeless keepsake!

  2. "Pocket" Stations of the Cross 3 Star Review

    Posted by on 13th Jan 2016

    I followed a link from Catholic Answers to this site to buy an item like Pope Francis was said to carry. Not exactly accurate. Pope Francis carries a small, hardcover book. This product is 2" x 3 3/4" and weighs 8 ounces. It is beautifully made of solid brass and I will use this in my prayer life but calling this a pocket item is a stretch. It's like carrying a $10. roll of quarters in your pocket.

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