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The Surrender Novena - (Standard or Large Print)



As you can see from this novena much of what our Lord wants flies in the face of normal human inclination and reason. We can only rise to this level of thinking through the grace of God and the help of the Holy Spirit.

We must let go of our problems; stop worrying and trying to resolve them ourselves. ‘We must believe, trust, and allow our Lord to rescue us from ourselves and supply our wants and needs; and to resolve our problems as only He can.

"Jesus, You take care of it," should be the first words that come to mind and then flow from our lips. After all, we have tried to do things our way and look where it has gotten us.

Just do as the prayer says, open our hearts and minds in love and close our eyes in trust and ask Jesus to take care of it. He will.

One of the treasures from the words which Jesus spoke to Fr. Dolindo was the teaching about total abandonment to God. In this novena, Jesus is talking to Don Dolindo and also to you.

This novena card comes in a standard size, or large print.


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